Iā€™m also a visual artist. With a particular focus on making work directly from the creativity that emerges in and from the intersubjective social field.

Salon Series: New Archetype

A series of discussions regarding the 24 images co-sourced from The Field by The Red Team, transcribed by Nick using non-dominant hand drawing and painting, and displayed in a gallery in New York City in Spring 2024.

Talk: Creative Presencing - Art Harvesting from The Group Intersubjective Field

Presented by Nick Shore and Maja Apolonia Rode at: Spirituality and The Arts -- SIG Provocations #2 session -- May 11, 2022.

Talk: Will The Center Hold

A salon presentation from April 2022 where I narrate a series of artworks that came through me during a cycle of non-ordinary experiences and insights in the period from 2017-19 ā€” the period where my orientation point was shifting from Game A towards Game B.